萌企鹅乐园,一般又称pingo park。
萌企鹅乐园(pingo park)游戏是一款企鹅乐园类的休闲益智游戏,在游戏中你将会化成成为一个可爱的小企鹅,并且你需要去结交更多不同的企鹅们,你将要与他们一同开启一段新的游历旅程,在路程中你们将会发现更多不同的东西,有了那些东西的存在才能帮助自己快速度过任何关卡。
萌企鹅乐园下载安装失败或使用异常,请 -> 一键举报
系统:安卓 更新时间:2020-11-17
类型:休闲 大小:54.2MB
This version's new features:
Sushi: Penguins can enjoy food at the park! Come back every few minutes to collect your earnings.
Bonus Batch: Now you can double or even triple the amount of penguins you receive on every batch you accelerate!
Pingo Shooter: Have you played Pingo Shooter? Now there is an increased chance to try out this fun mini game!
New icon
Bug fixes and general improvements